
 update screenshot...
I edit more hair
that really problem for any character who have long hair. So this screenshot is WIP need more add some sweat and (~ ̄▽ ̄)~[] white water 

Total work in process

Graphics 35%
Animate 40%

Why ?? I work very slowly  (╥﹏╥) 


Wait wait wait... ( ˘_˘)…zzZ

 Animation completed some shot, but the rendering took a lot of time.

I spend time rendering in 20-30 hours, but have not finished yet

I feel sorry for my computer, so cpu is hotter than 70 ° C.

  more than 20 hours to rendering <(TдT )> 

Main computer using rendering

I use my old note book for test rendering.

for wait main computer. Here  wallpaper i make it

Hope you like it ~


For lighting

I tried a new lighting in scenes.
Several times until now.

I found that to be happy for lighting and the composite.

Animated and finished one shot ... Well, I have to do multiple camera angles ...

I will continue to make animated ...


Still work process...

Very long.

I go to work and then back home again every day.

At night, it will take time.
The work is grueling, it took me less sleep.


Start Blog

I created a blog.
I would like to work with 3D about I like it.

Well... Okay, start over. ^ ^"